Modern Marketing
The competitive landscape for Local Businesses has changed dramatically over the last several years, and will continue to change at an unprecedented pace.

Why? The continued development and distribution of technology has radically changed the way consumers are buying—how they hear about products and services; how they research them; and how they make a final purchase decision.
What I’m about to show you can ignite growth at your business well beyond the levels you’ve likely achieved in the past.

How do I know this is true?

Because 95 percent of the clients we have worked with over the years are missing AT LEAST two out of the four critical, proven marketing systems that are necessary to achieve maximum business growth.

And the clients who are leveraging all four?

They’re growing.


So unless your situation is completely out of the ordinary (which is possible but unlikely), there is a really big opportunity to accelerate the growth of your business.

And the acceleration I’m talking about isn’t a short-lived “sugar-rush” kind of growth. It’s the sustainable and responsible kind—the kind that complements your ethical standards and supports your long-term vision for your business.
I understand. But as you continue reading, you’ll discover that the systems I’m talking about aren’t gimmicky, revolutionary or impossible to implement. They don’t require you to turn your business model upside down or become something you’re not.

In fact, these four elements are the foundational building blocks that every successful business must optimize in order to achieve the growth they’re looking for. But again, my experience tells me that most businesses are not taking complete (or efficient) advantage of each of the four pieces.

When you look at educated and affluent individuals, search engine use climbs to as high as 98 percent.

Study: 59 percent of U.S. consumers use social media to vent about customer care frustrations.

In their recent Mobile Internet Report, Morgan Stanley projects that mobile browsing will outpace desktop-based access within 3–5 years.

Study: 90 percent of consumers online trust recommendations from people they know; seventy percent trust opinions of unknown users.
Owner, McElway LLC

I'm just a regular guy who's fascinated reading and learning about marketing and modern technology. My Amazon book purchases look something of what you'd expect Trump or Buffet would have.  

I've been through many marketing courses and have published a book on the 4 aspects of taking a brick and mortar online successfully. It's an easy read and can be applied immediately to any local business. I encourage you to take a moment and Download your free copy today.

Percent of online experiences begin with a search engine.
Percent of online adults who visit Facebook at least once a month.
Percent of internet users who own a smartphone.
Percent of Internet users see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies
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